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Formulated for the Kidneys




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Supporting the Health of Your Kidneys  by Robert Levert

You’ve heard of people experiencing excruciating pain or you’ve heard them screaming with pain when trying to pass kidney stones. You don’t want to go through this ordeal if you can avoid it. In fact, you can prevent kidney stones as well as gallstones, which basically have the same causes. The questions are: How can I promote healthy kidneys? How can I prevent kidney problems from occurring? Are there any effective natural remedies that can help the body heal itself when kidney problems occur?

Healthy kidneys are basic to global health. The kidneys are an integral part of the circulatory system since they provide a filtration process to maintain a clean supply of body fluids. Some fluid and nutrients are reabsorbed into the bloodstream, while excess water and waste products are expelled from the body as urine. When the kidneys function normally, this process insures proper mineral and liquid balance throughout the body.

In order to function properly, the kidneys must receive enough water and potassium, and excessive sodium should be avoided. Recent studies have shown that the kidneys store beta-carotene. We also know that vitamins C, E and folic acid play an important role in the body’s filtration process.

To promote healthy kidneys, one should drink at least six to eight glasses of water each day – a glass of purified water at least every two hours throughout the day. Kidney stones occur mostly during summer time because their occurrence is thought to be linked with not drinking enough water to keep the kidneys flowing and stones from forming. During hot weather the increased evaporation from the skin increases the body’s need for water. One should also avoid alcohol or use it only in moderation. Alcohol causes to lose more fluid than is taken in, increasing the risk of dehydration, and kidney stones.

Kidney stones form when substances such as calcium oxalate, calcium phosphate, magnesium ammonium phosphate, and uric acid become so concentrated in the urine that they precipitate to become hard, solid lumps. If you are taking a calcium and magnesium supplement, be sure to take it with an herb or herbal combination high in minerals and trace minerals and a supplement containing hydrochloric acid to help digest and absorb it properly. Over-acidity due acid-forming foods (check the brochure ‘Simplified pH Balance’, page 15), poor digestion, stress, and mineral imbalance also promotes the formation of kidney stones. Kidney stones affect mostly middle-aged and older men.

On the other hand, urinary tract infection is more common in women. Urinary tract infection goes by several names: UTI, bladder infection, cystitis. Nearly 85 percent of UTI are caused by E. Coli, a bacteria that is normally found in the intestines, but because of the close proximity of the anus, vagina, and urethra in females, it migrates to the urinary system. While bladder infections are relatively more common in women, in men they may indicate a more serious problem such as prostatitis.

Incontinence (loss of bladder control) is most common in people over fifty, but it can occur at any age, especially in pregnant women. Assuming that it is an inevitable part of getting older and that nothing can be done about it is far from the truth. Reducing stress, toning the bladder muscle, and enhancing immunity are steps towards preventing or correcting incontinence at any age.

Bedwetting, also known as enuresis, is mostly a concern with younger children. This problem can be caused by either infection or inflammation of the urinary tract, worms or other irritants, adrenal fatigue, mineral imbalance, weakened kidneys, eating spicy food, which irritates the urinary tract, and emotional stress. Parents should avoid giving liquid to their child the last few hours before bedtime. Since many cases of bedwetting are of an emotional nature, parents should realize that their child probably feels he’s not getting all the attention he needs. Bedwetting sometime ceases shortly after the parents discuss the matter with their child.

To determine which products can best help you promote healthy kidneys, prevent kidney problems or support your body in the healing process whenever kidney problems occur, check the following products and their benefits.


Calcium & Magnesium - For proper mineral balance; helps control bladder spasms; helpful for incontinence and bedwetting.

Corn Silk - Helps decrease the formation of kidney stones and gallstones; enhances the elimination of toxins and uric acid build-up in the joints leading to gout; helpful for incontinence.\

Cranberry & Buchu - Cranberry prevents bacteria from adhering to the lining of the bladder, while buchu fights bacterial infection and reduces water retention; strengthens the bladder and kidneys, relieving back pain, and reducing water retention.

Dandelion (found in formula K) - Useful for clearing obstructions of the spleen, pancreas, gallbladder, bladder and kidneys; helps improve the flow of bile and prevent gallstones.

Echinacea & Golden Seal - Helps fight E. Coli and other bacteria that cause UTI.

Essential Liquid Minerals or Chinese Mineral-Chi Tonic - High in organic potassium, other minerals and trace minerals; promotes mineral balance. Chinese Mineral-Chi Tonic supports the adrenals in case of adrenal fatigue; helpful for bedwetting.

Folic acid* - Plays an important role in the body’s filtration process.

Herbal CA - An herbal calcium source, which enhances the absorption of calcium; high in organic minerals and trace minerals; promotes mineral balance.

Hydrangea - Helps prevent the formation of kidney stones and helps dissolve them; lessens the pain associated with passing kidney stones; helps back pain associated with kidney problems; helpful for incontinence

K - Helps get rid of excess water retention in the body without depleting potassium; helps prevent and treat kidney stones; fights E. coli bacteria that cause UTI.

K-C-Helps eliminate water retention; inhibits UTI; helpful for numerous problems including nephritis and prostatitis.

KB-C - Commonly used for incontinence, frequent urination, weak kidney function, and impotence; improves the body’s response to aging and the effects of stress; increases immunity to fight infection.

Magnesium - May help prevent kidney stones when taken with vitamin B6; can lower urinary oxalate, a mineral salt common in kidney stones.

Marshmallow - Coats the stones and gravel while removing them from the urinary tract, which lessens the pain; cleanses the bladder.

Men’s Formula - This formula contains both stinging nettle and saw palmetto. Stinging nettle is useful for problems of the urinary tract and kidney stones. Saw palmetto helps relax the ureters, allowing stones to pass more easily.

Parsley (found in formula K) - Helps get rid of excess water retention in the body without depleting potassium; helps prevent and treat kidney stones.

Potas - Facilitates the absorption and utilization of potassium; potassium regulates the body's water balance; helps treat disorders of the genitourinary tract, including kidney, bladder, prostate, and uterine problems; helps balance sodium and potassium in the body; helpful for incontinence and bedwetting.

Protein Digestive Aid - Contains hydrochloric acid which helps digest not only protein, but also calcium and iron. Low production of hydrochloric acid is associated with many problems including iron deficiency anemia, gallstones, and kidney stones.

Uva Ursi (found in formula K) - Contains a urinary antiseptic called arbutin which is particularly effective against E. coli bacteria that usually causes UTI; helpful for incontinence.

Vitamins A & D - Vitamin A promotes healing of the urinary tract lining which is often damaged by stones; normalizes bladder muscle function; helpful for incontinence and bedwetting.

Vitamin B6* - May help prevent kidney stones when taken with Magnesium reduces fluid retention.

Vitamin C with Bioflavonoids - Plays an important role in the body’s filtration process; produces antibacterial effect through acidification of the urine; boosts immune function.

Vitamin E - Plays an important role in the body’s filtration process; boosts immunity; helpful for incontinence and bedwetting.

Zinc - An important inhibitor of crystallization, which can lead to stone formation; improves bladder function; helpful for incontinence and bedwetting.

*Single B vitamins work best when taken with a vitamin B-complex supplement.


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